Béatrice Coron tells stories informed by her life. She experienced a series of odd jobs such as shepherdess, truck driver, factory worker and New York City tour guide. Born and raised in France she lived in Egypt, Mexico and China. In New York she became an artist to explore visual storytelling in artist books, paper cutting and public art. In her talk, Coron displays her intricate paper illustrations, while emphasizing the beauty and universality of visual storytelling. Film Credits: La Vie De Château (Castle Life)
Based on a Papercutting by Béatrice Coron
Producer and Director: James Stewart
Animator and Production Designer: Matthew Hemming
Composer: Mike Stanutz
Sound Designers: Simon Edwards and Mark Edwards
5.1 Mix and Design: Mike Rowland and John Carey
Very Good Studios Producer: David O’Brien
3D Modeller: Aser Perez
Thank you to Astra Hemming, Liane Kotler, Michael Levine, Earl Stewart, Betty Stewart, Kennedy Zielke, Zorro
© 2017 Geneva Film Co