Victor Rios: Help for kids the education system ignores
Define students by what they contribute, not what they lack -- especially those with difficult upbringings, says educator Victor Rios. Interweaved with his personal tale of perseverance as an inner-city youth, Rios identifies three straightforward strategies to shift attitudes in education and calls for fellow educators to see "at-risk" students...
Victor Rios: Let's Get Rid of Toxic Masculinity
As men in his childhood taught him that a “real” man does not let another man impose on him, Victor Rios grew up trying to emulate the version of a man he was led to believe was most true. Years of life slowly eroded that belief and exposed the realities of masculinity and the effect it can have on both men and women. Now, he examines how disman...
Victor Reiss: Time Management for a busy teenager.
Victor is a 16 year old boy that lives in Paris. He is currently a Junior at the EIB Étoile high school. He is a hard worker and is determined to succeed in whatever he does. Victor plays training center of a professional rugby team and is an excellent student. Combining high level sports, studies and personal life is a big challenge for an adol...