John Cameron: Why do we hiccup?
The longest recorded case of hiccups lasted for 68 years ... and was caused by a falling hog. While that level of severity is extremely uncommon, most of us are no stranger to an occasional case of the hiccups. But what causes these 'hics' in the first place? John Cameron takes us into the diaphragm to find out. [Directed by Black Powder Design,...
Gerard Ryle: How the Panama Papers journalists broke the biggest leak in history
Gerard Ryle led the international team that divulged the Panama Papers, the 11.5 million leaked documents from 40 years of activity of the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca that have offered an unprecedented glimpse into the scope and methods of the secretive world of offshore finance. Hear the story behind the biggest collaborative journalism...
Robert Palmer: The Panama Papers exposed a huge global problem. What's next?
David Peterson: Why language is humanity's greatest invention
Civilization rests upon the existence of language, says language creator David Peterson. In a talk that's equal parts passionate and hilarious, he shows how studying, preserving and inventing new languages helps us understand our collective humanity -- and gives a quick lesson on High Valyrian, one of two languages he created for "Game of Throne...
Jehane Noujaim: My wish: A global day of film
WorkLife with Adam Grant: How science can fix remote work
Remote work was a trend that some companies and gig workers were trying out, even as others resisted. Then the pandemic made it an overnight reality for many of us. This feels like uncharted territory, but there's already plenty of knowledge on how to do it well. Learn from someone who has done more remote work than almost anyone on the planet -...