Janna Levin: The sound the universe makes
We think of space as a silent place. But physicist Janna Levin says the universe has a soundtrack -- a sonic composition that records some of the most dramatic events in outer space. (Black holes, for instance, bang on spacetime like a drum.) An accessible and mind-expanding soundwalk through the universe.
Gina Van Luven: Master Your Stress
Juan Enriquez, Lavina Talukdar: Predicting Moderna's success from far away
Levona Shu, Johnny Xu: What Really Matters?
Levona Shu and Johnny Xu explore the reasons why people choose to donate or not donate money to charities. They share their involvement in a local social enterprise, called Hope Beans, and the awkwardness that some people express when uncomfortable about giving. Uncovering one of the key reasons people choose not to give, they found many people ...