Morley: "Women of Hope"
Morley: "Follow the Sound"
Mike Merrill: How I became the world's first publicly traded person
Living life as an embodiment of capitalism makes some things in life much easier. But no matter how wrong things go the important thing is to keep providing shareholder value, which in this case is pretty close to friendship. Mike Merrill decided thirteen years ago to become a publicly traded person, offering shareholders a degree of influence o...
Sascha Morrell: Why should you read "Moby Dick"?
A mountain separating two lakes. A room papered floor to ceiling with bridal satins. The lid of an immense snuffbox. These seemingly unrelated images take us on a tour of a sperm whale's head in Herman Melville's "Moby Dick." Though the book features pirates, typhoons, high-speed chases, and giant squid, it's anything but a conventional seafarin...
Sascha Morrell: Why is William Faulkner so difficult to read?
William Faulkner is considered one of America's most remarkable and perplexing writers. He confused his audience intentionally, using complex sentences, unreliable narrators, and outlandish imagery. His body of work is shocking, inventive, hilarious, and challenging. So how can readers navigate his literary labyrinths? Sascha Morrell explains ho...
Marla Spivak: Why bees are disappearing
Honeybees have thrived for 50 million years, each colony 40 to 50,000 individuals coordinated in amazing harmony. So why, seven years ago, did colonies start dying en masse? Marla Spivak reveals four reasons which are interacting with tragic consequences. This is not simply a problem because bees pollinate a third of the world's crops. Could thi...
David Merrill: Toy tiles that talk to each other
Carina Morillo: To understand autism, don't look away
Carina Morillo knew almost nothing about autism when her son Ivan was diagnosed -- only that he didn't speak or respond to words, and that she had to find other ways to connect with him. She shares how she learned to help her son thrive by being curious along with him. (In Spanish with English subtitles)
Marily Oppezzo: Want to be more creative? Go for a walk
When trying to come up with a new idea, we all have times when we get stuck. But according to research by behavioral and learning scientist Marily Oppezzo, getting up and going for a walk might be all it takes to get your creative juices flowing. In this fun, fast talk, she explains how walking could help you get the most out of your next brains...
Kimberley Motley: How I defend the rule of law
Every human deserves protection under their country’s laws — even when that law is forgotten or ignored. Sharing three cases from her international legal practice, Kimberley Motley, an American litigator practicing in Afghanistan and elsewhere, shows how a country’s own laws can bring both justice and “justness”: using the law for its intended p...
Mariela Pajuelo and Javier Antonio Quinones: The one thing stopping jellyfish from taking over
Over the past two decades, jellyfish have begun to overwhelm our oceans. If things stay on their current trajectory, we could be headed for a future where the entire ocean is thick with jellyfish. So, is there anything that can keep these gelatinous creatures under control? Mariela Pajuelo and Javier Antonio Quinones take a look at the jellyfish...
Danielle Torley: I stepped out of grief -- by dancing with fire
After losing her mother in a house fire when she was just six years old, Danielle Torley saw two paths before her: a life full of fear, or one that promised healing and recovery. In this inspiring talk, she describes how she turned her grief into beauty in a most unexpected way -- by dancing with fire.
Owen Morley: How Reffing Has Taught Me to Make The Right Call in Life
Tom Morley: TEDxWandsworth delegates sing 'IMELA' and dance along with Tom
Fascinated by the creative process Tom is passionate about sharing what he’s learned about art, rhythm and harmony over the past 60 years. From playing kit drums with the Art School band Scritti Politti in his 20’s, through songwriting in his 30’s, to studying psychology and facilitation in his 40’s. At TEDxWandsworth 2017, Tom energises the a...
Richard Morley: Compassion as an Antidote to Violence
Dr. Morley discusses the intersection of structural inequality, the cycle of violence, and the impacts of violence on the brains of both members of impoverished communities and the law enforcement officials policing these communities. Dr. Morley explains how compassion based interventions alleviate the impacts of the cycle of violence on the bra...
Emerson Morley: The AP Kid
James Morley-Smith: How your impairments can be an advantage
After his son lost his sight, design technologist James Morley-Smith observed how he adapted to interact with the world around him, such as learning to play piano, black keys first. This tactic — factoring in immutable limitations — inspired Morley-Smith to approach his design from a new angle by considering impediments first. "It doesn't matter...
Carmen Miral: Representação Importa Sim! Somos Atraídos Pelo Que Somos Expostos
Carmen Miral é licenciada em Sociologia pelo ISCTEM. Natural de Nampula, desde cedo teve a oportunidade de viajar e estar em contacto com a riqueza cultural de Moçambique. Em 2012, a sua paixão pelo cabelo e a busca por soluções naturais e acessíveis focadas no cabelo crespo motivaram o início da sua jornada, no entanto deparou-se com a falta de...
Mirela Nemtanu: HOPE – the most powerful force in the world.
Mariel Pacheco: Vínculos en Pandemia y Educación en Pantuflas
Muriel AboulRouss: The power we have to alter our reality
My name is Muriel Aboulrouss and I am a dreamer. I dream of my future self, my life and Art. My talk will be about dreams, about belief, about the power we have to alter our reality. Dreams can be beautiful but what is more amazing is to see them become true, one day at a time, one action at a time. It takes discipline, commitment and faith to...
L.Y. Marlow: Why You Should Have the Courage to Embrace Your Passion
Morlae Letuli: How can you succeed while taking more risks?
Morlae Letuli highlights how taking risks is something that people tend to stray away from. But by doing so, we avoid the chance to expand our experiences and connections. To encourage people to take risks, Morlae describes deconstructing of the fear of failure and shifting into a mindset where risks are encouraged.
Michael Morel: Net Neutrality's survival is democracy's challenge
Vishnu Murali: A step towards user-oriented software development
Mariléia Sell: Narrativas feministas: a teimosia de existirmos por nós mesmas
PT BR - Ela é professora nos cursos de Comunicação Social e de Letras da Unisinos. Possui Mestrado e Doutorado em Linguística Aplicada e investiga, em suas pesquisas, as negociações das identidades de gênero nas interações mundanas e institucionais. Mariléia também escreve contos e crônicas no seu blog "Letras Insubordinadas" e dá palestras em t...
Mariel Hawley: Con cada brazada derribando muros
Los muros en la vida vienen en diferentes formas. Mariel Hawley reflexiona acerca de las lecciones que ha aprendido a través de los retos que ha enfrentado en sus nadadas como nadadora de aguas abiertas, y cómo estas lecciones las ha aplicado y le han ayudado a seguir enfrentando obstáculos en su vida.
Mirela Stetco: Putem pune punct. Putem rescrie povestea.
Procesul de transformare este dureros dacă nu este însoțit de toate resursele pe care le aduce iubirea. Opusul iubirii nu este ura ci este judecata. În momentul în care îi judeci pe ceilalți, îi critici pe ceilalți îți refuzi accesul la cele mai importate resurse: de a vedea binele la ceilalți, de a-ți accesa empatia, de a fi alături de ceilalți...
Mariela Masih: La palabra es de todes
Merili Ginter: Kuidas mõtteviis võib muuta elu