Ever tried to make someone smile? No? Wondering how to make them smile? If yes, then just meet Mike Murali, the Chief Fun Officer & Director of Marketing at Capgemini. Emceeing 1600 shows in 15 countries over the last 16 years including stadium commentary for the T20 cricket world cup, Mike Murali has made his passion his profession and spreading smiles as a day to day activity! Enabling 2 Guinness Book of World Records, in 2 years straight, one for the largest Bollywood dance lesson and the other for the largest fitness lesson in the world.
"The most important 'F' word "
Why should we take Fun as a serious part of our life? Mike Murali's talk and journey is around this with a livewire presentation. With witty one-liners and humorous perspectives he ensured everyone was smiling throughout the talk. He believes that our journey of life should be measured in smiles and not just miles and the world can be a better place to live in if we smile and make others smile. The talk emphasizes on the importance of fun and how it should be the central force behind the purpose of our lives!