Dr Jasna Podreka is a Sociologist who works as a Teacher assistant and researcher for the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. As part of her research, she deals with topics of gender discrimination and violence against women, focusing primarily on domestic violence, sexual violence, violence in intimate relationships, murders and femicide. She shares her knowledge and findings in different fields. She has been a guest speaker for police officers, detectives, social services, NGOs and others that work in the field of domestic violence.She is an author and co-author of numerous scientific articles. She is the author of the scientific monography: Bila si tisto, kar je molčalo. Intimnopartnerski umori žensk v Sloveniji. She is a volunteer with Društvo SOS telefon za ženske in otroke žrtve nasilja (SOS telephone line for women and children victims of violence).
In this talk Jasna Podreka discusses violent relationships, healthy relationships and figuring out what are compromises and what constitutes abuse.