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Inspired by the coaching team of Vietnam's national football upon how they have activated "away game" during the lockdown in order to maintain the team's performance, Brian Eyler and Courtney Weatherby have embraced this idea to their research at Stimson Center. To both, activating and improving smarter planning between the Mekong countries can helps nations to unlock the potential to achieve sustainable development future.
At TEDxĐaKao, Brian Eyler and Courtney Weatherby empower Vietnamese audience about the importance of choosing a development plan that could shape a thriving and brighter future for both Vietnam and our neighboring countries.
Furthermore, Brian Eyler and Courtney Weatherby empower us to envision a bigger picture when it comes to the livelihoods of the region, which that we all share. And how to look at these changes as a positive shift & opportunity to promoting less impactful dams or alternative energy sources.
Special thanks to our sponsor and community partners have made a success for TEDxĐaKao Live: A New Era together. For this event, TEDxĐaKao Sponsor: The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is an office-level agency in the federal administration of Switzerland, and a part of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. TEDxĐaKao's community partners are IUCN - a membership Union composed of both government and civil society organizations. The Stimson Center - a nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank that aims to enhance international peace and security through a combination of analysis and outreach; and the BRIDGE Program(Building River Dialogues and Governance).
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