TEDx Taiz: "Spread Innovation" | Rian Abbas | Countdown.
تعز TEDx : "السيمفونيات" | محمد الزكري | العد التنازلي.
TEDx Taiz: "18000 Sapling!" | Hashem Noaman | Countdown.
Hashem talked about the enhancement the value of Yemeni coffee environmentally and agriculturally as it is one of the major component of Yemeni environment. He estestablished " Yemeni Coffee Club " to increase farmers' awareness of the importance of planting coffee and to encourage them to replant it by distributing 18000 coffee sapling t...
TEDx Taiz: "Follow Your Passion" | Hind Foad | Countdown.
TEDx Taiz: "A Yemeni melody" | Haneen Alagwani & Mohammed Abdulmalek | Countdown.
TEDx Taiz: ''Home-made!" Countdown, Walid Mahyoub
Walid spoke about his personal experience in packaging beans at home from simple materials located in each house, and how this idea is important in serving mainly low-income groups as well as poor communities that lack basic services such as rural areas, displacement camps and civil areas that experiencing shortage of fuel, food, water, or elec...