Sonia Shah: 3 reasons we still haven’t gotten rid of malaria
We’ve known how to cure malaria since the 1600s, so why does the disease still kill hundreds of thousands every year? It’s more than just a problem of medicine, says journalist Sonia Shah. A look into the history of malaria reveals three big-picture challenges to its eradication. Photos: Adam Nadel.
Sonia Shah: How to make pandemics optional, not inevitable
What can past pandemics teach us how to tackle the current one? Tracing the history of contagions from cholera to Ebola and beyond, science journalist Sonia Shah explains why we're more vulnerable to outbreaks now than ever before, what we can do to minimize the spread of coronavirus and how to prevent future pandemics. (This virtual conversatio...
Lin Xin Xiao: Can you create miracles?
Lin Xin Xiao: Behind the opportunity is courage; behind the choice is boldness.
Lin Xin Xiao: A story of an educator: how to be a we-chat business woman?
Lin Xin Xiao: The Story of me And The Snow Mountain
Lin Xin Xiao: You are What You Wear
Xin Wei Sha: I - We - World
Dr. Xin Wei Sha Director and Professor of the ASU School of Arts, Media and Engineering Sha Xin Wei Ph.D. is Professor and Director of the School of Arts, Media + Engineering in the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts + Fulton Schools of Engineering. Dr. Sha is Director of the Synthesis Center for transversal art, philosophy and technol...
Shu-Hsien Ho Royd Hatta: The Secrets A Story Map Can Reveal
Shih-Hsien Chen 陳世賢: 宗教共融:齊心協力做美麗的事 Religious Inclusitivity: Working together to do beautiful things
「別人不做的我做,別人不去的我去」秉持著這個信念,身為虔誠佛教徒的陳世賢來到了聖母醫院,並延續長期以來對於老人的貼心照顧,在有限的經費和人力下,與夥伴們陸續建立部落健康廚房、健康活力站及社區關懷據點,同時提供居家服務、居家護理、安寧居家、家庭托顧等各項長照服務,為每天超過一千五百位長者及身心障礙者,創造出自主、有尊嚴、有活力的高齡友善照護模式。 在此同時他也思考著,究竟是什麼原因讓他與這群夥伴一起做這些事?他想,這些奇妙的特殊安排,都是為了要讓大家一起合力,去做美麗及永續的事。 "I will do what others don't do, and I will go where others don’t." Adhering to this belief, Sense Chen...