Ramin Hasani: How a worm could save humanity from bad AI
Ramin Hasani: Generalist Artificial Intelligence Not Yet AGI!
Explore the fascinating journey of AI's rapid progression, diving into the world of generalist AI systems like ChatGPT, GATO, and Liquid Neural Networks. Learn how these powerful tools are changing the game and revolutionizing the way we approach complex problems in finance and robotics. AI, Algorithm, Engineering, Finance, Imagination, Math, R...
Ramin Hasani: A Journey inside a Neural Network
Ramin Hasani: Simple Artificial Brains to Govern Complex Tasks
A 1mm-long nematode worm is the world’s best understood animal and with a simple brain of only 302 nerve cells, it can produce complex behavior that current artificial intelligence (AI) systems cannot. Ramin and his team is investigating the nervous system of the C. elegans worm from a machine learning perspective, as an ideal instance of the Si...
Ramin Hasani: Liquid Neural Networks
Liquid neural networks are a class of AI algorithms that can learn to stay adaptable even after training. Liquid neural networks are inspired by how brain cells communicate with each other. They are robust to perturbations, they do not need to be large to generate interesting behavior, and show promise in learning necessary skills from data to p...
Hasan Rahmani: أعزاءنا المشاهدين | حسن رحماني | TEDxShihar
الإعلامي حسن رحماني قدّم عرضاً عن التضليل الإعلامي وأدواته وأساليبه وممارساته في الوسط الإعلامي والتأثير على الرأي العام، وذلك في تيدكس شهار بالطائف، في المملكة العربية السعودية. حيث يعمل في قناة روتانا التلفزيونية. و ككاتب. قدمت هذه المحادثة في فعالية TEDx باستخدام تنسيق مؤتمرات TED ولكن نظمها المجتمع المحلي على نحو مستقل. تعرف على المزيد بزيا...
Mohammad Rahman bin Iman Hussein: The Invisible Among Us by The Refugee Prince