Jody Williams: A realistic vision for world peace
Adeline Cuvelier and Toril Rokseth: How does the Nobel Peace Prize work?
Among the top prestigious awards in the world, the Nobel Peace Prize has honored some of the most celebrated and revered international figures and organizations in history. But how does the nomination process work? And who exactly is eligible? Adeline Cuvelier and Toril Rokseth detail the specifics of the Nobel Peace Prize. [Directed by Michael ...
Joan Halifax: Compassion and the true meaning of empathy
Jodie Williams: Transcending Beyond Borders of Religion and Humanity Through Music
In her talk, Sonam talk about, how traditional western gospel melds with Indian classical sounds, and Indian spiritual texts are enriched by elements of western poetry, to create a sound that touches every soul. No matter what the language of the lyrics is, or the ethnicity of the sounds, there is but one language, the language of faith. She mea...
Jodie Williams: Killer Robots & Human Security