Jane Chen: A warm embrace that saves lives
Joanie Quinn: The Value of Disappointment
Comedian Joanie Quinn shares how she discovered that her kids developed and mastered the skill of handling disappointment - all from having her as a mediocre menopause mom. Using humor and some twisted common sense, she thinks other parents might try using disappointment as a teaching tool... and look for life lessons that can help their kids pr...
Jun Qian: Toilet Culture
Implanting the hope of solving social issues in the area of toilets.Jun Qian abandoned his occupation as a businessman and has been devoting himself into a full-time public-spirited person ever since.By leveraging Toilet Culture,he aims to influence the next generation and change people all around us
JOANNE CHEN: Confessions of an AI Investor
Jinni Gan: Is startup life hard?
Johnny Quinn: Understanding the Olympic Mindset
Johnny Chen: The Intangible in the Age of the Tangible
Michelle Jana Chan: Hitchhiking, galaxies, and why travel is not bad for the planet
Travel Editor of Vanity Fair and award-winning writer Michelle Jana Chan tells TEDxWarwick about some poignant travel experiences of hers. These include voyages to destinations such as Scotland, Mongolia and China, all with their own unique stories. Michelle also gives her answer to what the future of travel may entail once we can freely move ag...
Jin Can YE: 校园霸凌就在我们身边
陳建仁 Chien-Jen Chen: 全民團結:防堵傳染病大流行的最佳良方
去年12月COVID-19在武漢爆發以來,全球已有四千多萬病例與一百多萬死亡,導致各國經濟蕭條。臺灣經歷2002-2003年SARS風暴、2006-2008年禽流感威脅、2009-2010年H1N1新型流感大流行,國家的防疫、公衛與醫療體系,不斷日益精進。審慎以對、迅速應變、超前部署、公開透明、全民團結的台灣模式,已成為防堵COVID-19大流行的全球典範。 在自由、民主、多元、開放的國家,唯有「我為人人、人人為我」的全民共識,彼此關懷、相互合作,才能有效防疫。隔離治療病例、院內感染管控、追蹤密切接觸者、居家檢疫或隔離、維持社交距離、避免群聚活動、實踐衛生習慣、配購防疫物資,都需要全民的高度配合與支持。台灣的民主凝聚了國家意識、促進社會團結、提升公民素質,使得疫情控制完善,經濟衰退最...
Cheon Young-Jun: The power of a word
Sang Gun Jeon: ABC, Always Be Creative!
Chi Kin John Lee: (A)Symmetrical Relationships in Teaching
Linda Quinn, Jenna Chang: "Just Keep Moving"
Linda Quinn, Ph.D., is a dancer, actress, and dean at Tarrant County College Northeast campus who enjoys the process of fusing different art forms to express human experience. Dr. Quinn first began teaching at the age of 18 as a Disco Dance instructor and eventually earned a Ph.D. in Dance with an emphasis in Humanities. Her favorite topic is th...
Gina Y-Vang Cuneo: Bio-factories Bringing Localized Medicine: Contraceptives
"Birth control is an essential need for many women, whether for family planning or treatment of conditions such as endometriosis. Despite this, the cost, availability, social stigma and cultural beliefs associated with birth control pose barriers that are difficult to overcome. The PoPPy project was formed to create a safe method of contraceptio...
Koen Arts, Gina Maffey: Learning to rewild