Jessica Oreck and Rachael Teel: Mysteries of vernacular: Sarcophagus
Dating back to the early Roman Empire, the word sarcophagus originally referred to the limestone a coffin was made of, rather than the coffin itself. From flesh-eating stone to a stone coffin, Jessica Oreck and Rachael Teel unbury the sarcophagus. [Directed by Jessica Oreck, narrated by Graham James, music by Nate Shaw and Eli Janney].
Jessica Oreck and Rachael Teel: Mysteries of vernacular: Robot
Jessica Oreck et Rachael Teel: Mysteries of vernacular: Robot
In 1920, the Czech writer Karel Capek wrote a play about machines with human features, in fact inventing the word "robot" from the term for forced labor in Central Europe. Jessica Oreck and Rachael Teel tell us how the cornerstone of science fiction earned its name. (Translator: Alexandre Jeanneau, Reviewer: Elisabeth Buffard)