Jessica Garza: How to avoid catching prickly emotions from other people
Difficult emotions can get under your skin if you're not careful. Sport and performance consultant Jessica Garza calls this the "jumping cholla effect," inspired by a sneaky kind of cactus that detaches and burrows its spines into unsuspecting passersby. In this empowering talk, she shares four mood-regulating strategies to help you gain self-aw...
Jessica Burgner-Kahrs: I build robots that move like worms—here's what I've learned
After spending years developing a human-sized surgical laser robot, Dr. Jessica Brugner-Kahrs happened upon a conference presentation that changed her life—and the entire field of robotics. The idea was to build robots with soft curves, small enough to go up your nose and operate on your brain. Over more than a decade, Jessica developed this ide...