Jerome Kim: The trials, tribulations and timeline of a COVID-19 vaccine
Developing a vaccine usually takes five to 10 years, costs about a billion dollars and has a failure rate of 93 percent. Under the pressure of the coronavirus pandemic, scientists are being asked to speed that timeline up to 12 to 18 months, says Jerome Kim, director general of the International Vaccine Institute. How are things going? Kim updat...
Jerome Hunter: 3 skills every middle school boy needs
Middle school is a time like no other, as significant biological and emotional changes coincide with profound personal growth, says educator Jerome Hunter. The middle school for boys that he founded centers on a program that helps redefine masculinity through what he calls the three "Cs" -- confidence, communication and community. He shares the ...
제롬(Jerome H.) 김(Kim): [ENG] World War C: Vaccines for Victory | Jerome H. Kim | TEDxSeoulSalon
코로나 세계대전: 승리를 위한 백신 | 제롬 김, 국제백신연구소(IVI) 사무총장 Director General of International Vaccine Institute(IVI), a nonprofit international organization accelerating vaccine R&D and delivery for global health. A recognized leader in HIV vaccine development and named “50 Most Influential People in Vaccines" in 2014 by Vaccine Nation. 코로나19가 인류를 위협하고 ...