George Blair-West: Is your partner "the one?" Wrong question
Marrying for love is a relatively recent phenomenon for humanity, and we still don't fully understand what it means for building successful relationships, says author and psychiatrist George Blair-West. Drawing from his extensive experience working with couples, he shares four questions every couple should ask themselves before tying the knot — ...
George Blair-West: 3 ways to build a happy marriage and avoid divorce
Choosing to marry and share your life with someone is one of the most important decisions you can make in life. But with divorce rates approaching fifty percent in some parts of the world, it's clear we could use some help picking a partner. In an actionable, eye-opening talk, psychiatrist George Blair-West shares three keys to preventing divorc...
George Ayittey: Africa's cheetahs versus hippos
George Blair-West: Preventing Divorce: Top 3 Life Hacks for Singles
Psychiatrist Dr George Blair-West has a bold and empowering message about choosing a life partner and avoiding divorce: it can be hacked. Forget romantic destiny. When it comes to the all-important decision of selecting someone to share your life with – and the lives of your potential children – a romantic, loving heart must be met with an infor...