Daniel Garrie: Defining cyberwarfare... in hopes of preventing it
Can you imagine a future where wars are fought not with bombs and bullets but computer viruses and pacemaker shutdowns? Cyberware is unique in that it is not covered by existing legal framework and it often inspires more questions than we are yet capable of answering. Daniel Garrie ponders some of the practical and ethical dilemmas that may pop ...
Daniel Garrie: Defining cyber warfare... hoping to prevent it
Can you imagine a future where wars are not fought with bombs nor bullets, but with computer viruses and pacemaker arrests? Cyberwarfare is unique as it is not covered by any existing legal framework and often inspires more questions that we are not yet able to answer. Daniel Garrie reflects on some of the ethical and practical dilemmas that can...
Daniela Zappador Guerra: What it takes to teach and learn Italian
Daniel Jaramillo Roldan Maria José Soto Correa: Artista Desde Siempre Performance
Graduada del CCB en la promoción del 2018. Desde muy pequeña mostró una inclinación hacia las artes especialmente la música. Participó en el Factor XS cuando tenia 11 años donde fue finalista por el Valle. A lo largo de sus años en el colegio se destacó en los musicales siendo protagonista en tres de ellos. Actualmente se encuentra en Sydney, Au...