Kang Lee: Can you really tell if a kid is lying?
Are children poor liars? Do you think you can easily detect their lies? Developmental researcher Kang Lee studies what happens physiologically to children when they lie. They do it a lot, starting as young as two years old, and they're actually really good at it. Lee explains why we should celebrate when kids start to lie and presents new lie-de...
Gary Liu: The rapid growth of the Chinese internet -- and where it's headed
The Chinese internet has grown at a staggering pace -- it now has more users than the combined populations of the US, UK, Russia, Germany, France and Canada. Even with its imperfections, the lives of once-forgotten populations have been irrevocably elevated because of it, says South China Morning Post CEO Gary Liu. In a fascinating talk, Liu det...
Chang Liu: 睡不好,会变傻,有救么? Is it curable while bad sleeping made us awkward
Kang Lee: Change your view of point, Kang Lee at TEDxKoreaTechU
GUANG-LI LI: 像個廢物 安於現狀 It's okay to be a loser.|李光立|TEDxYouth@TCGS
「安」於現狀被大眾認為是進步的絆腳石,但對於一切從0開始,需重建自信心的我至關重要。透過這部影片與各位分享這個想法,希望人人都能在前進的過程中依舊保持快樂。 Most people think being satisfied with the current situation means stopping yourself from achieving the target. But after getting a TICS disorder, I used to fail whenever I start doing something. This circle of failure kept repeating and I kept learning through thi...
In Vietnam, Cai Luong (Vietnamese Folk Opera) is somewhat cheesy while in New York, it is the nostalgia for the past still remained on the feet of Asians. That is the reason why Leon Quang Le's childhood passed in concealment and struggle between his passion for classical theatre and his desire to blend into American lifestyle. He got his start ...
Chak Keong Lui: 疫情對城市設計的影響 Impact of Epidemic on Urban Design
Kenneth Cheung, Lai Chi-wai: The Motion of Life
As a world-leading spine surgeon, Prof. Kenneth Cheung has spent years honing his craft addressing cases of spine disorders, endeavouring to bring this overlooked area of healthcare into the light. From the perspective of a paraplegic patient, Lai Chi-wai serves as a beacon for patients of spinal trauma and now aspires to someday be able to walk...
Li Chang: Drive innovation through cognitive diversity
Hardly a day goes by when most of us don’t ask ourselves the question: how can this be done better? Maybe it’s at work, at home or even while sitting in traffic. We always want better results with less effort, less waste or in less time. Li Chang, a Boeing engineer and technical fellow, not only gets to ask this question for a living, he leads a...
Qing Tomoyo Liu: Remember Your Natural State
Kang min Lee: Trauma centers in Korea
Guang Ting Luo: 用專長改變社會
從國中就開始學習攝影的羅光廷,儘管在他學習攝影的路上曾經不被看好,但他仍然堅持自己的興趣,希望能藉此幫助他人。 羅光廷不只喜歡捕捉美景,更擔任公益志工,走入許多需要幫助的角落,他曾用光影為弱勢紀錄生命故事,親身走訪颱風、地震災區,紀錄最真實的災區畫面,甚至利用影片將消防的安全知識上傳社群網站推廣。 現在的他,加入新北市消防局的消防義消團隊,成為一名熱血、正義感十足的消防救護志工,除了用攝影紀錄救災,也加入救災的行列,靠一雙掌鏡的手,在每個呼吸瀕臨盡頭的瞬間拯救生命,因此看到了社會最底層的樣貌、體會到生命的無常和人的渺小。他更期許能透過幫助他人的力量,影響他人將感動傳播下去,進而也開始幫助他人,形成「善的循環」。
Chung won Lee: 사회를 드러내는 또 하나의 예술 영화
Loh Chung Jaan: How I Hack My Way Through Life
Li-Ching Huang: Hold a Memorial Ceremony for Wildlife
林立青 Lin, Li-Ching: 用三種方式,看透人性
李勇璋 Lee Yung Chong: 无人机视角下的世界
无人机专业机师,多媒体大学电子工程与技术系讲师,李勇璋对各类大小及不同功能的无人机有着非一般的热忱。他在合成孔径雷达数码嵌入式系统设计方面的学术研究,让他在雷达,遥感,无人机应用和无人机摄影测量方面的工程都颇有经验。他的作品与发现获得了国际相关领域的肯定,并在国际学术期刊和会议上发表,带动这方面的发展与进步。 勇璋从小就对科学和科技有着浓厚的兴趣与好奇,也一直对科学研究抱有一种特别的情怀。对他而言,人类研究科学与更新科技是为了生存,提高生活素质。近几年因探索科技为人类带来的好处,他开始接触并爱上无人机,并且深入研究无人机的潜能。 勇璋在这次的分享,将通过他在无人机领域的专业,与大家探讨和发掘无人机的潜能,并改变一般大众对无人机只是用来航拍的刻板印象,让大家对无人机有更全面和深入的了...
胤慶Yin Ching 李Lee: 失敗的下一站,