Carlo Ratti: Architecture that senses and responds
With his team at SENSEable City Lab, MIT's Carlo Ratti makes cool things by sensing the data we create. He pulls from passive data sets -- like the calls we make, the garbage we throw away -- to create surprising visualizations of city life. And he and his team create dazzling interactive environments from moving water and flying light, powered ...
Carlo Ratti: La città intelligente
Le città di oggi le hanno fatte uomini di ieri. Noi abbiamo il diritto di pensare a quelle di domani, senza complessi, a patto che l’obiettivo sia questo: il domani. Fare città oggi per l’oggi significa farle nascere vecchie. Le tecnologie dovranno pervadere tutto e poi scomparire ai nostri occhi.’ Con il termine ‘Senseable City’ si intente una...
Carol Wright: Getting Past the Why
Carlo Alberto Redi: Desiring a different normality
Our attitudes - red meat over consumption and plastics overuse on top of them - already destroyed many ecosystems of the planet Earth like rain forest and coral reef, leading to increased pandemic wave. To ensure health and well-being to future generations, we must change our daily live: examples are plastics from bioregeneration and red meat fr...