Carl June: A "living drug" that could change the way we treat cancer
Carl June is the pioneer behind CAR T-cell therapy: a groundbreaking cancer treatment that supercharges part of a patient's own immune system to attack and kill tumors. In a talk about a breakthrough, he shares how three decades of research culminated in a therapy that's eradicated cases of leukemia once thought to be incurable -- and explains h...
Charlie Jane Anders: Go ahead, dream about the future
"You don't predict the future -- you imagine the future," says sci-fi writer Charlie Jane Anders. In a talk that's part dream, part research-based extrapolation, she takes us on a wild, speculative tour of the delights and challenges the future may hold -- and shows how dreaming up weird, futuristic possibilities empowers us to construct a bette...
jean carlo gomez: Jale a jugar química
Jean Carlo Gómez Pérez, cofundador de Alt+Q, empresa desarrolladora de Atomik Monsters, aplicación educativa para facilitar el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la química en los jóvenes. Jean Carlo junto con su emprendimiento ha sido parte de programas como Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative en Estados Unidos y Cromática en Guatemala,...
Jean-Louis Carillo: Le vivre ensemble
Nous avons tous en nous une force intérieure insoupçonnée qui nous permet de nous élever. Papa de deux garçons, l’ainé Jeremy et Benjamin un enfant en situation de handicap, Jean Louis a trouvé en lui les ressources pour surmonter l’adversité de la vie. C’est ce parcours qui lui a permis de grandir. Après une prise de conscience, aujourd’hui il ...
(JC) JOHN CARL VILLA: A Search For Something Genuine