Cai Guo-Qiang: A firework ladder to the sky — and the magic of explosive art
From a boy setting off small explosions in his living room to the creator of world-famous pyrotechnic events, multidisciplinary artist Cai Guo-Qiang has always been drawn to gunpowder. He gives a stunning tour of his work — including his fireworks spectacle at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, his "sky ladder" of fire reaching to the clouds and new wor...
Chi Chi Cheng: How I question my identity with a fortune cookie
What is the one food that defines your identity? Can something as simple as food help us understand who we are? In this talk, multi-disciplinary artist Chi Chi Cheng will share with us how her first encounter with a fortune cookie lead to a journey of self-reflection on the meaning of being Chinese. She will also tell us how she uses fortune coo...
Chang Gao: Harness your desire to change!
Chang Gao has been serving high-net-worth clients in the financial industry and associating with a wide range of entrepreneurs. An interesting idea concerning “Desire” occurred to her when one day she was communicating with entrepreneurs. Faith is the cornerstone of all actions. The first step to make a change is to have a strong and lasting fa...
Qinghua Gu: How to Live with Robots
Kuang Yi Ku: Challenging medical paradigms through art and design
Often a unique background helps spark an equally unique Lightbulb Moment. Kuang-Yi’s background in both dentistry and art/design helps him connect the Eindhoven dichotomy of scientific high-tech(nology) and it’s creative design community. Through his projects, Kuang-Yi challenges dogmas in medical practice, opening up our mental pathways and let...
Chia-Hua Chiang: 翻雜誌,翻轉你對世界的刻板印象!| 江家華 Chia-Hua Chiang | TEDxNCCU
CHIA-CANG YANG: 一個相信設計可以救國的傻瓜(楊佳璋)
Chi Meng Cheang: The Power Of Being Humble
Mike had been teaching in public school for 23 years and at the same time being an outdoor education instructor. He is currently a residential fellow at the Chao Kuang Piu College in the University of Macau. He is also a core member of the "Youth Dreams Association", "Youth Leadership Explore Association" and the "Macau Association for Experient...
Kang Myung-Koo: Understanding the Paradigm of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
CHAO-FANG CHENG: 從"茶金"來尋找客家文化的美(鄭朝方)
Dr Koh Kho King: Academic turns Entrepreneur
DR Koh Kho King moved to Johor in Year 1995 to pursue his Bachelor and Master degree in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and became a lecturer in UTM in Year 2003. He later was awarded with Japanese government scholarship to further study his PhD in Hiroshima University in Japan. Along the time he was in Japan, he fell in love with photograph...
Kenneth Cheung, Lai Chi-wai: The Motion of Life
As a world-leading spine surgeon, Prof. Kenneth Cheung has spent years honing his craft addressing cases of spine disorders, endeavouring to bring this overlooked area of healthcare into the light. From the perspective of a paraplegic patient, Lai Chi-wai serves as a beacon for patients of spinal trauma and now aspires to someday be able to walk...
張國洋 GUO YANG, CHANG: 專案管理是你最好的人生指南