WorkLife with Adam Grant: The problem with all-stars
The Butler Bulldogs have a habit of shocking college basketball fans by beating top teams with far more talent. How do they do it? Adam Grant joins the team to talk about why stars are overrated and role players are underrated -- and how humility can go hand in hand with confidence. Also featuring "Moneyball" author Michael Lewis and Brad Steven...
Bret Stephens and Yordanos Eyoel: Democracy requires disagreement. Here's how to do it better
As authoritarian leaders challenge democratic institutions around the world, some people are questioning whether democracy is even the best political system. In a wide-ranging conversation, writer Bret Stephens and social entrepreneur Yordanos Eyoel discuss why democracy is still our best hope — and offer ways we can learn to disagree more effec...
Stephen Burt: Why people need poetry
WorkLife with Adam Grant: A debate with Malcolm Gladwell
In a special live taping at the 92nd Street Y in New York, Adam talks with Revisionist History's Malcolm Gladwell about how to avoid doing highly undesirable tasks, what makes an idea interesting, and why Malcolm thinks we shouldn't root for the underdog. This episode is brought to you by Accenture, Bonobos, JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Warby Pa...
Brad Stevens: Personal Global Economies Redefine Entrepreneurial Success
There is an “access revolution” underway. A lack of time, money and knowledge no longer have to be failure points for entrepreneurs. They can build affordable, personal global economies to reach talented individuals all over the world to grow a business. It’s no longer just accessible to the Fortune 1000. With changes in technology, entrepreneur...
Stephen Barrett, DPM: Some Nerve for Saving Diabetic Lives
Diabetes affects millions of Americans with often debilitating consequences. While surgery is available for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy patients, many suffer with severe symptoms, unaware something could be done for them. If providers would hit their reset buttons and make this resource known, a lot of patient’s lives would be improved and ma...
Guiselle Stefania Barrett Montalvo: Sana a tu niño interior, por ti y los que vienen
En su charla Giselle nos habla sobre nuestro niño interior que es una parte antigua de nosotros mismos que aparece en forma de emociones, pensamientos y sentimientos ante determinadas circunstancias que lo activan, todos hemos tenido heridas emocionales en la infancia que no pudimos resolver. Si estas vivencias no fueron reparadas, nuestro niño ...