Andrew Bird: A one-man orchestra of the imagination
Denis Dutton: A Darwinian theory of beauty
Andrew Fitzgerald: Adventures in Twitter fiction
Andrew Whitworth: If you're scared of snakes, watch this
As of 2021, there are 368 species of viper worldwide. The name comes from the term viviparity, which means giving birth to live young. Vipers are often highly venomous, with two hollow, extra long fangs that unfold into imposing weapons when the viper prepares to strike. So, which are the most dangerous? Andrew Whitworth travels around the world...
Michael Archer: How we'll resurrect the gastric brooding frog, the Tasmanian tiger
Andrew Bird: 3 Steps to Navigating Anything
André Barreto: Um destino turístico reconstrói-se ou adapta-se?
Andreea Braty: La ce ne folosesc lectiile de instrument muzical din copilarie?
Goana dupa afirmare, satisfactie imediata, castig material ne va putea asigura mentinerea unui nivel evolutiv personal ascendent? Ce putem facem pentru a ne perfectiona si depasi limitele personale intr-un mod creativ? Ne preocupa viitorul copiilor nostri, dar stim oare cum putem contribui eficient, cu implicatii pozitive pe termen lung la dezvo...
Andras Bard: What kids really do in front of the computer
Andrew Brady: Why Inequality Hurts Us All, Even Those At The Top
Andrew Brady: Capitalism Needs a Reboot
Capitalism has over-focused on profit-maximization to the detriment of workers, the environment and even the businesses themselves, but by balancing the needs of all stakeholders, capitalism can thrive again. As business becomes an ever more powerful institution, it must similarly accept this responsibility for the wellbeing of all citizens. The...
Judge André Birotte Jr.: Is this Justice?
“Is this justice?” United States District Judge André Birotte, Jr. explains how he has tried to answer this question throughout his career in the criminal justice system and how his answer has evolved throughout his experiences as a public defender, prosecutor, United States Attorney, and District Judge.
Andrea Bertaia Segato + Lorenza Trinchero: Veicoli mobilità personale a guida autonoma
Quando parliamo di "mobilità" e "guida autonoma" la mente corre subito alle automobili. Quella di Andrea Bertaia Segato, invece, ha preso una strada diversa: ha intuito che la mobilità intelligente può aiutare anche e soprattutto chi ha perduto in tutto o in parte la propria. Perché non provare a portare la guida autonoma su una carrozzina anz...
Brad Swofford, Andrew Makuch: What Technology Taught Me About Team Work