Greg Anderson: Why there's no such thing as objective reality
In the grand scheme of history, modern reality is a bizarre exception when compared to the worlds of ancient, precolonial and Indigenous civilizations, where myths ruled and gods roamed, says historian Greg Anderson. So why do Westerners today think they're right about reality and everybody else is wrong? Anderson tears into the fabric of object...
Andrea Grieco: Il cambiamento climatico esiste
Andrea Grieco ha seri problemi di insonnia. Cosa lo tiene sveglio la notte? Due parole: cambiamento climatico. Le slide della prima parte dello speech di Andrea, riportavano dati raccapriccianti sul tema. Il suo obiettivo era quello di far dormire peggio anche tutto il pubblico? Qualcosa del genere. Il suo ruolo consiste principalmente nel re...
Greg Anderson: What ancient civilizations teach us about reality | Greg Anderson | TEDxOhioStateUniversity
The talk proposes that humans have always lived in a “pluriverse” of many different real worlds, not just in a universe of one. It also considers how this proposal might change the way we think about the human past, present, and the future. Greg loves to share his fascination with the many different worlds that humans have inhabited. This talk ...
Laura García Andreu: No quiero ser madre