AKQA and Jung von Matt: "The [Uncertain] Four Seasons"
Over the last two years, a collective of composers, musicians, computer programmers, scientists and activists has set out to reinterpret Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons" for a transformed world, restituting Vivaldi's score in expected climate scenarios for the year 2050. The project, titled "The [Uncertain] Four Seasons," launches November 5, 2021, ...
Akiko Busch: The power of invisibility
Akiko MIYAKO: How to overcome bias traps?
Akiko Sugiyama: はじまり
ママバトン代表の杉山有希子(すぎやまあきこ)さんは、幼い頃から空想したり、手紙を書いたり、旅をすることが好き。高校在学中に、全国の友達と作るサークル運営に没頭したことで、コミュニティリーダーとしての蜜を歩むことになりました。 誰かの『こうしたい』を形にすることに喜びを感じ、20歳でウェディング業界に入り、年間80組を担当する社内トッププランナーへと進化し、そして現在は地域で子育てをシェアするをモットーに、現在は自身の運営する団体の代表を務めておられます。そんな人と人を繋ぐ活動を続けておられる杉山さんの今回のトークテーマは「はじまり」。コミュニティが産声を上げるはじまる瞬間にいつも立ち会う杉山さんが大切にされていることは何なのでしょうか。
A.C.K Nair: Kept the Climb | Aviation Industry in Pandemic
Assoc. Dr. Tuna Akcay: Nerede Bu Hazinenin Yeri
Bir arkeolog hocaya sorulacak en pragmatik soru sanırım bu; Nerede bu hazinenin yeri Yaklaşık 23 yıldır Anadolu’nun dağlarında ovalarında arkeolojik kazı ve yüzey araştırması yapmaktayım. En çok duyduğumuz soru; hocam nerede bu hazinenin yeri? Defineciden, köylüsüne, vekilinden başkanına akrabalarım da dahil olmak üzere hemen hemen her kesimden...
Desiree Cocroft, MBA, ACC: Dancing Your Way to Better Leadership
Full Talk Title: You Want to Become a Better Leader? Take a Dance Class! Did you know that 63% of workers are ready to quit their jobs due to stress and 35% of them say it due to their boss, according to Gallup? With stress being high among leaders and exercise being one way to relieve stress, I wondered if leaders could be better if they would...