Teitur: Home is a song I've always remembered
Didier Sornette: How we can predict the next financial crisis
The 2007-2008 financial crisis, you might think, was an unpredictable one-time crash. But Didier Sornette and his Financial Crisis Observatory have plotted a set of early warning signs for unstable, growing systems, tracking the moment when any bubble is about to pop. (And he's seeing it happen again, right now.)
Isha Datar: How we could eat real meat without harming animals
What if you could eat chicken nuggets without harming a chicken? It's possible through "cellular agriculture," says Isha Datar. In a talk about cutting-edge science, she explains how this new means of food production makes it possible to eat meat without the negative consequences of industrial farming -- and how it could fundamentally change our...
Paul Tudor Jones II: Why we need to rethink capitalism
Paul Tudor Jones II loves capitalism. It's a system that has done him very well over the last few decades. Nonetheless, the hedge fund manager and philanthropist is concerned that a laser focus on profits is, as he puts it, "threatening the very underpinnings of society." In this thoughtful, passionate talk, he outlines his planned counter-offen...
Didirri: Blind You
Didirri: Formaldehyde
Didirri: Blind You and Formaldehyde
Didier Toubia: Catalyzing the cellular agriculture and shaping the future of meat consumption
Davide d'Atri: Economia, data mining e giurisprudenza nell'industria della musica
Davide d'Atri: è il fondatore e l’amministratore delegato di Soundreef S.P.A. In precedenza, aveva già fondato Beatpick. Ospite abitualmente come relatore presso numerose Università, è attualmente membro del Comitato Consultivo del Master of Science in Marketing all’Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro nonché, in passato, lettore a contrat...
Didier COEURNELLE: Longévité: un des plus vieux rèves de l'humanité, peut-être le plus beau
Didier Coeurnelle, né en 1962, est un expert reconnu internationalement sur les questions d’allongement de la vie. Il est porte-parole de l'Association Française Transhumaniste Technoprog. Il milite pour la recherche en faveur d'une vie en bonne santé beaucoup plus longue. À ce titre, il est notamment coprésident de l'association Heales (Healthy...
Teodora Pavkovic: Emodiversity: Add to Dictionary
Emotions are the oldest language of the human species. Long before we could make intelligent verbal utterances, we had the vital need to communicate to others how we were doing in order to stay alive and thrive. As our species evolved so did our emotions, but in the increasingly fast and tech-connected world we live we tend to habitually experie...
Taduri Praveen: Problems faced by first generation learners
Tudor Dobrescu: Cunoaște-te prin film
Autocunoașterea înseamnă mai mult decât să te privești pe tine. Înseamnă să te transformi privindu-i pe ceilalți, cunoscuți sau necunoscuți. Filmul te învață să îi privești pe ceilalți și, prin ei, pe tine. Elementele de fabulos, de natural, de discret sau de dramatic din filme sunt elemente preluate din vecinătatea ta. Creatorii de film își fil...
Teodoro Geordiadis: Riscaldamento Globale di Natura Antropica?
Teodoro Georgiadis laureato in Fisica, laureato in Astronomia, laureato magistrale in Pianificazione Territoriale e laureato in Ingegneria Civile. Primo Ricercatore all’Istituto di BioEconomia del CNR di Bologna. Si occupa di bilanci energetici superficiali nell’ambiente urbano e della mitigazione degli effetti delle interazioni tra atmosfera e ...
Hudson Daughtry: "Passion Drives Purpose"
Andrei Tudor: Age of Innovation
The young mind that lit up the stage of this year's TEDxBucharest, speaks about his passion and dedication in the robotics field. At only ten years old, he's already stepping outside the boundaries of our mundane. He presented his invention, a Multifunctional Message Board that can write messages for all needed purposes, great for policemen, fir...
Sanika Datar: Reimagine Education to Elevate Our Potential
Tudor Necula: Heartbeats
Aida Todri: Power of electronics and people's will
Didier Courbet: Le bonheur à l'ère digitale ? Comment notre cerveau nous trompe !
Didier Courbet: Comment déjouer les manipulateurs ?
A la fois docteur en sciences de la communication et psychologue, Didier Courbet est spécialiste des techniques de manipulation et d'influence, notamment digitales. Il a publié plus d'une centaine d'articles de recherche sur le sujet. Son dernier livre : Connectés et Heureux, du stress digital au bien-être numérique porte sur les influences né...
Didier Snoeck: Concrete, repair thyself
Did you ever wonder what the most widely-used human made material is? Dating back to antiquity, and ever since used for the construction of giant structures, concrete has left an undeniable mark on society. This seemingly boring, grey material is all around us, but it has one downside: at low tensile strength, micro-cracks can easily originate r...
Krista Detor: Shattering the Looking Glass Self
Katie Dieter: Overcoming Shame Using Black Studies & Autoethnography
Black Studies and creative autoethnography offer ways for us to not only express ourselves and to be self-reflexive, but they also allow us to transform, liberate, educate, and resist oppression, ultimately helping us find ways to imagine new futures. Black studies and creative autoethnography can help us resist systems of oppression, promote he...
Denis Tudor: The Long Way To Efficiency
In this talk, Denis Tudor explains his unique pathway that lead him to working with hyperloop technology and the lessons he has learned along the way. Hyperloop technology is a new chapter in transportation. The technology marks a step towards more speed with a virtually non-existent environmental footprint. Denis is the CEO and Co-Founder of Sw...
Teodoro Melgoza: Sublime, más allá del blanco y negro.
Heather Daughtry: Lovely music on violin
Toader Paun: Smile, Even on the Radio!
Didier Hauvette: Libérez votre chi émotionnel !
Aujourd'hui nous avons tous un potentiel très largement supérieur à celui que nous utilisons. Si nous ne parvenons pas l'utiliser, c'est à cause des murs émotionnels internes et externes qui nous en empêchent. Ce que je vous propose dans ce Talk, c'est identifier quelques pistes qui vont vous permettre de casser ces murs, de libérer votre énergi...
Didier Toubia: Cultivated Meat: Second Domestication
Didier is the Co-Founder and CEO of Aleph Farms, a food company that paves a new way forward as a leader of the global sustainable food economy. The need for a collective response to global challenges is more fundamental than ever, whether it is to act against or prevent the next public health or environmental crisis. People need to integrate th...